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Summer Heat

Hi family, friends and fans. We know it’s been awhile since our last post. Our little baby, Lady Spencer Buckley turned 3 and we now have a new member to our family a little black and white cat whom we call crew.

Lady Spencer Buckley

Crew the Cat

We have been spending a lot of time in the garden caring for our vegetables. This year we have a great harvest. Tons of tomatoes, cucumbers, zuchinni, eggplant, thyme, oregano, ginger, jalapeños, and chili peppers, onions and garlic, we even had corn and the watermellons are on there way.  We recently planted peanuts and the plants are coming up beautifully. We have discoverd that Gardening can be very rewarding, tending to each plant and watching them grow, can be really therapeutic. But there are a host of pests that comes with the process and learning how to deal with these issues is just part of the learning experience. Our next task is to learn how too can vegetables, we have an overabundance of Tomatoes even after giving many of them away.

just some of our tomato plants

another garden view

Most recently We bought a scobi, if you aren’t familiar it stands for “Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast”, it is used to create Kambucha, a delicious fermented drink and good for you as well. So we Have been enjoying brewing and flavoring our own kombucha, ginger lime is our favorite. we will discussing this more in a future post. Jon has also been working on new work in the studio and new prints are coming out soon, He has some deadlines he is working on. We are forever grateful to those who continue to purchase prints and show their love for art.

New Painting

Wings of Wonder

Wings of Wonder

Recently we built a garden bench made from old doors we had laying around, actually an idea that came from our friend Debbra. We have also been busy making bird houses, Ladybug condos and bee BnB's, and a sunflower tower packed with different varieties of sunflowers.  We are now working on a pergola and planning a pond to bring biodiversity to the garden. One of our Airbnb guests sent us a fantastic book

“ The elegant and edible garden” which is full of inspirations that will keep us dreaming and working on our garden for years to come.

We have made some incredible meals from the food we are producing from our small garden, we both love to cook, and there is nothing better than farm-to-table, grown with love and a lot of patience, free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.

Sunflower Tower

Garden Bench


Ladybug condo